On Day Five of trauma week, spoiler alert, my team the defense won. The finale of this week was an interesting one if nothing else. Not only because the school brought in more real people like a judge and a court reporter who writes down everything everybody says. Before we start I was most impressed with this woman, when I say she was moving, given they have a special typewriter to be able to do that, but it still blew me away. Other than her and all the fabulous faculty and staff as well as Sergeant Grantham who played along this was cool because we spent all day in this court case. The trial was led by the senior students at our school, and they put on an interesting performance. While incoherent both sides did a reasonable job at presenting all the evidence they had found, but occasionally they did seem to get lost in the roleplaying aspect of it, but Mr. Foxx and prosector Louis Walker. The funniest part by far was Seargent Grantham playing the role of the wife’s sister who was in love with Mr. Nease and Nease had only mildly reciprocated, I didn’t see that coming despite me being a person who was combing through text messages to find evidence. Despite its moments the court case was definitely cruelly long and nobody really had the attention span to be paying attention to it the whole time, it was entertaining, and being a part of the winning team is always nice. In the end, we learned that Mr. Garside had combined 3 or so cases together to make this one. The correct answer is what the jury voted on that being that Mr. Nease was innocent, and the issue with him simply just walking away is that he isn’t legally required to stay unless we tell him to and that this also happened in real life. This was a chaotic yet satisfying way to end such an amazing week at St. Luke’s.
The Case of Paul Nease: Free Paul!!!