On April 19th I did a job shadow with my dentist, Dr. Johnson, in order to see how radiology collides with dentistry. They started by showing me around the place, but very quickly got into performing a root canal. Beforehand I was warned that root canals take forever and boy, were they right; however, it did show off how radiology collides with dentistry. Before anything began the first thing they did was take an X-ray and show me the nerves and the way fluid gets bunched up in teeth. Next was them numbing the mouth and then drilling holes in teeth, side note this stuff looks way freakier than it feels in the chair. The purpose of the holes was to place sticks and needles into them to determine how much deeper they had to go to push out the fluid. In total, they repeated the process of drilling and resticking the holes a total of at least five times because that’s how many X-rays they did. To be honest this whole process was very boring and not much on my topic so I’m not going to talk about it more than that. Lastly, before I left I did ask him if he believed AI was affecting his field and he went on to explain to me that he was at a seminar for AI in dentistry through radiology just the day before. While I didn’t have time for him to tell me what it was very intriguing to hear that what I had been researching all year is actually some people's new reality.

I couldn't take a picture of the patient's face but here's the duo working on the root canal.

This machine produces the radiological images and puts them into an SD card is what it looks like, so that they can be sealed and sent off to others.

This is Dr. Johnson