First of all, I can’t believe I’m saying this but it is the end. This program has shaped who am as a student for probably the rest of my life. It gave me an outlet to talk freely about my opinions through my blog, so without further ado, this is my reflection blog and I have a lot to say now that it is all in the books, starting with the Biomedical Interventions classes.
These two classes were a blast looking back at it. While there were a fair amount of days that were just study halls we accomplished a lot. Learning how to take blood pressure, CPR training, along other procedures was certainly a blast but I had this feeling that they lacked a certain depth needed to remain impactful. For example, I remember Mr. Bentlely saying after we started taking blood pressure we would be doing them weekly and keeping a keeping a spreadsheet for a grade, this never happened. I do still remember things like diastolic over systolic pressure, however, learning how to take them just seemed like something to do for the day rather than something we wanted to make progress in. The same can be said for the CPR training as we were told that by the end of it, we would become CPR certified; however, to my knowledge, this never ended up happening and we all ended up just doing a drill to see if we could perform it correctly, leaving more to be desired.

The speaker's idea is very creative and hearing many different people's perspectives on things is always very important and should be welcomed so I don’t have a criticism, but rather a suggestion. Our interactions with the speaker would be very limited to just that day and while we knew if we wanted their information we could get it as a sophomore and a junior I didn’t really have the foresight to see that I should be collecting this information to keep as possible mentors. In my senior year, I had quite a lot of issues finding a job shadow not due to a lack of knowing people, but rather due to a lack of required prerequisites, because of my experience I would propose that a part of the speakers being there is talking about what it would look like to job shadow them. This would include an overview of what the student needs to have done before trying to shadow them such as vaccines and interest. Overall I would say the the speaker model was probably my favorite way to spend class time as it is what Biomed is all about, learning yourself and different fields.

During my senior year, Biomed was probably the second hardest class I took right after AP Calculus, but it was still very worth it. I loved the skills lab and the opportunity to shadow those in our field of interest. I would say out of the entire program senior year was probably my favorite, as it proved to be the most cohesive with precise goals each week.

Lastly, my favorite part of Biomed was the simulation weeks. These simulations every time were nothing short of incredible. Seeing realistically what people who work in trauma and forensics deal with is insane and was the highlight of my experience at St. Luke’s. This was topped this year by the Mass Casualty Drill at South which once again blew out my expectations. I will say some of the Forensics Week topics felt like they began to repeat over the years but I expect this was because of the last-minute changes that happened this year. Another thing that I loved was us making an impact on our community through the blood drive. The blood drive really felt like something that was cool, on brand, and something that could be expanded upon more in the future. I would really love it if the program could do more to impact the community in the future.
In conclusion, what I would want to see more within the program is more cohesion that works towards a set goal and sets up the student for a comfortable time in the Interventions class. Personally, I had a great time and this program has definitely been my favorite part about attending St. Luke’s despite even the COVID-based hold-ups. In the end, I would like to thank Mrs. Mcleery for starting the program and also for being so patient and understanding with me this year and letting me and my classmates have this truly amazing and unique experience.