Day two of Forensics week was essentially just a cuteness overload as we met
Sergeant Grantham and her adorable partner Estie the electronic storage device dog. Sgt. Grantham has 2015 hours of training and has been a police officer for 33 years, and 7 years ago the electronic crimes task force needed help which caused her to become a digital forensic scientist. The course was grueling with an unforgiving final which lasted 3 days after a five-week course. Now the most important part is the dog, Estie started off as a failed service dog however she turned this around into becoming one of the first dogs used for forensic science. She can do this because all microchips have a specific chemical that Estie is trained to smell. This helps to find forensic evidence because of hidden or leftover phones, flash drives, etc. have good information that can be used during a crime scene. Dogs with floppy ears are better for this because their ears put all of the scents into their nose. Whenever Seargant Grantham says search Estie immediately starts to go look for things with the specific scent and on top of that this was the first time they'd ever come to a school. Probably my second favorite day of this week.
