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The Birds and the Bees


Dr. Cathleen Forester came to our biomed class to explain the intimacies of being a veterinarian. She comes from Coastal Alabama Community College which apparently has a veterinary tech program, that I didn’t know about. She talks about her many years as a vet before teaching there where she had to learn many different things compared to human doctors. Human doctors focus on learning about one specific part of the body, while by the end of her college career, she learned fully about the body of dogs, cats, and horses, as well as two others making a total of 5 animals to learn about. This provides a vast amount of knowledge that can be very overwhelming as it even goes as deep as how to hold the animals, for example. Did you know that if you hold a rabbit wrong it can brake its back and paralyze itself by kicking its back leg? Animals also can’t actively tell you what's wrong meaning you have to be really good at observation. She also like any good speaker has props like a horse hoof and some animal's shoulder blade. I learned most animals have the same shoulder blades as humans just in different sizes. A lot of neat tidbits were learned from Dr. Forester and she was great to have even at the end of the year.

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