On January 9, we had the pleasure of having Mr. Harold Jones from the Mobile County Health Department teach us some hard-hitting values and his view of life. The first question he asked was simple yet complex “are you real or fake?” He asks us this because he sees the world in twos, two eyes, two ears, and two types of people. For example, there are people with human empathy and actually somewhat care for our neighbor, and then, there are people like William Campbell who is a very big name in the e-cig business, Mr. Jones’s job is to uncover the lies of the industry and show its exploitation of children. One of the ways they do this is through colorful packaging and language. This is used to appeal to younger audiences with flavors like “bubble gum” with bright colored green blue or pink wrapper which is usually easily accessible at a gas station in front of the counter rather than behind it. This is also done through blatant lies of the company by saying their products aren’t addictive. More addicts equal more money, and the younger you are the more likely you are to get addicted. Meaning more money for the business, and since 90% of tobacco starts before the age of 18, the companies are making bank. He also said something that I’d never heard of before which is that secondhand smoke to babies could lead to ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder). Mr. Jones explains all this through very colorful and dramatic language which occasionally led him into going on tangents like L=C+T+O+S=B which means life equals cells plus tissues plus organs plus systems which equals a body. That was the one part of his speech I couldn’t grasp although I still found it very noteworthy. Among the new information there was also some repeat information like stuff about third-hand smoke and the chemicals in vapes, but compared to so of the more formulaic speakers of the Fentanyl Chronicles Mr. Jones was a welcome breath of fresh air (pun full intended).
Mr. Campbell and E juice packaging