Finding my Biomedical Mentor was a little bit easier than I’d thought it’d be, and I actually was the first in my class to get the agreement signed. My mentor is Dr. Shikha Gupta she’s a radiologist of 17 years and she loves the flexibility of the job. She went to Medical School in India and then did her fellowship at UAB. It was especially easy to find her due to her being the parent of my classmate Ria Gupta. She said she loves radiology because she gets to help the variety of patients that come into the hospital; therefore, it's the most effective way to touch the most lives.
In Biomed class, we did a self-examination to see how much free time we have in a day. I did a schedule of my Monday. Starting off I wake up at 6:00 A.M. and get to school at 7:40ish, then 7:55-3:05 are my school hours, followed by golf practice until 5:30, then getting home at 6 P.M. An average amount of school work should take 30 minutes to an hour then I go to bed at 11 P.M. With my sleep added in I have about 5 in a half hours of free time. This is a pretty gracious estimate that doesn’t include things like pop activities like cleaning or social events. My homework estimate was also pretty light especially considering I know have to include putting in the Biomed Capstone Paper, and AP Calculus, so it’s probably more around 3 in a half hours.

My wonderful Mentor^^^