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Knot So Different


This week on August 14th we started a brand new year and a new chapter in our biomedical careers. It was the first week of the new year and with our new Biomed teacher Mrs. McCleery. After hearing so much about her It’s really great to finally start her class, which I can already tell is going to be life-changing. This year we get to engage in job shadows and she tells use numerous stories throughout the week of her own children, but also of other biomedical students. The most notable one is the story of the time a student was doing an emergency medicine shadow and had to help perform actual emergency medicine and sit in the operating room. Another key aspect of the first week is debriefing the large 25-page paper. I already came into the program with the idea that my paper would be about radiology as you can probably already tell by the large skeleton on the front page. We ended off the week with our get-to-know-me presentations, to introduce ourselves a little more to Mrs. McCleery.

In our weekly skills lab, on Thursday, we got the foundation of tying surgical knots, and this also comes with a story. Last year when my school help the University of South Alabama students with their exams by being actors in their emergency situation one of our biomedical students Devin Bailey shocked the college students with her proficiencies in tying the knots. Knot tying has never really been my forte with the help of the other students in the class we all became decently proficient at it by the end of the class period. We even continued to do it throughout the day as a pastime to make less fast moments of the day more enjoyable. I can't wait to see what this year evolves into.

In the picture you see me doing the index method of tying a surgical knot starting out with finger guns!!!

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